Stonehenge Summer Solstice Access Tour. June 20th-21st 2025

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2025 Stonehenge Summer Solstice

Each year on the 21 June visitors from around the world gather at Stonehenge overnight to mark the summer solstice and to see the sunrise above the stones. At dawn the central Altar stone aligns with the Slaughter stone, Heel stone and the rising sun to the northeast

Exclusive Tour Highlights

The Summer Solstice is the most important day of the year at Stonehenge and a truly magical time to be there. It's an ad hoc celebration that brings together England's New Age Tribes (neo-druids, neo-pagans, Wiccans) with ordinary families, tourists, travelers and party people - 1000's of them!
For many the impulse to arrive at Stonehenge in time for the Solstice is a little like all those people drawn to the strange rock in Close Encounters of the Third Kind. It's akin to a spiritual experience. Anyone who has witnessed the crowd become silent as the sky begins to brighten can attest to that. You will enjoy approx. 3 hours within the circle at sunset on June 20th or sunrise on June 21st.

We are offering two departure options for this special tour:

TOUR OPTION 1: 20th JUNE 2025

Depart central London / Bath at 4pm June 20th. Midi Coach Travel to Stonehenge with guide and spend 3 hours at the site / inside the circle and witness the sun setting, Druid Ceremony and festivities. Back to London / Bath at 1am

TOUR OPTION 2: 21st JUNE 2025

Depart central London / Bath at 1am June 21st. Midi Coach Travel to Stonehenge with guide and spend 3 hours at the site / in side the circle and witness the sun rising, Druid Ceremony and festivities. Back to London / Bath at 8am


This is not like our traditional guided 'Private Access' tour. Although this tour is guided it does not visit other attractions and is not everyone's cup of tea, however those who do participate will never forget it and will surely 'tell the tale' for many years to come...... Please take the time to view our images / video of previous 'Solstice Tours'.
For those of you who have not visited this sacred site, we should mention that the complex is roped off. Visitors observe the stones from a distance and are not permitted within the temple complex..........our 'Summer Solstice' tours allow you to be amongst the stones and to actually touch them.

N.B. With this exception English Heritage do not allow any other 'private access' tours between 16th June and 1st July

English Heritage provides Managed Open Access to Stonehenge for the Summer Solstice and works closely with agencies, and people from all sectors of the community, in order to create a peaceful occasion - ensuring an event that can be safely enjoyed by all and protects Stonehenge and its surrounding Monuments.

Due to the nature of this 'special access' tour and the strict entry conditions that English Heritage impose please register your interest for this tour on the form below and we will contact you with booking details and terms and conditions. This is on a first come first serve' basis.

Please note that as a responsible tour operator we have a duty of care towards the places we visit and in this case we ask you to be take great care when visiting the historic site. It is important that Stonehenge and its surrounding Monuments are preserved for future generations and we ask you not to touch the stones, and not to leave any litter at the site.

Visitors are requested to dispose of their rubbish carefully at the designated recycling and rubbish points located in the Solstice Car Park and at Stonehenge. Clear recycling bags will also be handed out on arrival.. Please do not drop litter - bag and bin your rubbish so the recycling team can gather them up. It is a very sensitive landscape and still used by local farmers so please respect their crops and livestock.

There are authorised catering facilities on the site and some personal food and drink is allowed to be brought onto the site. Please bring them in a small bag – large rucksacks are not permitted. Glass is not permitted and will be confiscated – many people walk barefoot and the livestock graze in the area throughout the year. Alcohol is no longer allowed. Please note consumption of alcohol on the coach is not permitted. Due to the large numbers of people who attend the vent, naked flames are strictly forbidden. Small ground sheets and blankets are allowed. We also recommend bringing warm clothing, sensible footwear and a small umbrella if rain is forecast.

*Due to the nature of this special event, we cannot guarantee exact arrival or departure times from Stonehenge so all timings are approximate.


Tour Prices

£99 from London / £79 from Bath
£89 from London / £76 from Bath
£94 from London / £74 from Bath

Tour Dates

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